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Annual Report 2015



Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology

Summary of results 2015

The activities in WPB on operation and

maintenance (O&M) concepts and strategies and

the optimized use of material and coatings for

offshore wind turbine applications, provide the

industry with new

knowledge and

innovations for

cost reduction.

A total of 12

innovations are

in development

in WPB. These include new models, methods,

processes and technology at various stages of

development, see Table 4. The results cover the

whole range of research in WPB from O&M strat-

egy model development, inspection strategies,

rotor blade materials and structures, corrosion

protection (coating systems) and testing of corro-

sion protection systems. Some of the results have

already been transferred to the industry and are

under further development by new spin-off com-

panies. Examples are the software tools for O&M

and logistics decision support, which have been

used by NOWITECH industry partners Statoil and

Statkraft for analyses in connection with develop-

ing the next generation wind farms (e.g. Dudgeon),

and the remote presence concept and the silicon

carbide coating technology, that have been devel-

oped by former NOWITECH WPB PhD students,

and that currently are further developed in new

spinoff companies, EMIP AS and Seram Coatings

AS, respectively.

The PhDs in WPB are progressing well with 2

candidates successfully finishing in 2015, see

Table 1, including one externally financed. In

total, in WPB, 4 out of 5 PhD candidates financed

by NOWITECH have completed their theses so

far. The one remaining is already employed in

industry, but still expected to complete his defence

during 2016.

WPB produced five peer-reviewed papers

during 2015, and furthermore one book chapter,

eight presentations/posters on international

conference, ten reports/memos and two PhD

dissertations. Two key publications are:

• Dinwoodie, I.; Endrerud, O.E.; Hofmann, M.;

Martin, R.; Sperstad, I.B.: Reference Cases for

Verification of Operation and Maintenance

Simulation Models for Offshore Wind Farms.

Wind Engineering

, vol. 39, no. 1, 1-14, 2015. This

paper describes a reference case and a process

for the verification and benchmarking of O&M

models. The results from a comparison between

four different models are presented, and the

reference case has already been used by several

other parties for testing their models. The article



Some of the results have

already been transferred to the

industry and are under further

development by new spin-off


Table 3: WPB PhD candidates successfully finishing in 2015. Vaclav Slimacek was externally financed, but his

PhD work was carried out in alignment with NOWITECH.

PhD candidate

Current employer

Thesis title

Nejad, Amir Rasekhi


Dynamic Analysis and Design of Gearboxes in

Offshore Wind Turbines in a Structural Reliability


Slimacek, Vaclav


Heterogeneous Poisson processes with application to

wind turbine reliability