Wang Huijun
Prof. Wang Huiun graduated from the Peking University in
1986. In 1991. he received PhD in the Institute of
Atmospheric Physics (IAP) Chinese Academy of Sciences.
From then on, ne has been working in IAP for 22 years. He
became a Professor in 1996, the executive director-general
of IAP during 2001-2005, and the director-general of IAP
from 2005 up to now.
His research interests include paleoclimate modeling, climate
variability and predictability in seasonal to interannual scales,
and long-term climate change. He was the first meteorologist
in developing oountries to simulate the climate change by
doubling C02 oontent in the atri'IOSphere by ri'leans Of the
coupled mixeo-layer ocean and atmospheric general
circulation model. In the interdecadal clmate variability, he
found the significant weakening of the East Asian monsoon circulation and the associated
precipitation change in China in the end of 1970s. He also indicated instability of monsoon–
ENSO relationship, which is very important for understanding the monsoon variability and
Prof. Wang, together with Prof. Ola Johannessen in Nansen Envioronment and Remote
Sensing Center of Norway, established a joint research center "Nansen-Zhu International
Research Center" hosted by IAP. Prof. Wang has published over 200 scientific research
papers and has been the co-chief editor of the journal
Advances in Atmospheric
and the chief editor of the journal
Atmospheric- and Oceanic Science Letters.
He has also
been served as Chairman for China National Committee for WCRP (World Climate Research
Project), a vice Chairman of China Meteorological Society, and a member of the East Asian
Monsoon Panel of Tropical Meteorological Committee of World Meteorological Organization.
In 2008, he was elected as a member of Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research.
Because of his academic achievements and professional services, he received the National
Award on Natura! Sciences by the Chinese State Council in 2005, National Award for
Excellent Scientists and Technicians by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology
in 2010, Chinese Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientists Awards in 1997, and
CAS Natural Science Awards in 1998.
Tor Arne Johansen
Professor Tor A. Johansen was born in 1966, received
his MSc degree in 1989 and PhD degree in 1994, both in
electrical and computer engineering from the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.
He worked at SINTEF Electronics and Cybernetics as a
researcher before he was appointed Associated
Professor in1Engineering Cybemetics at the Norwegian
Science and Technology in Trondheim in
1997 and was promoted Professor in 2001 . He was a
research visiter at the USC, TU-Delft and UCSD.
He has published more !han 100 articles in international
journals as well as numerous conference articles and
book chapters in the areas of nonlinear control and
estimation. optimization. adaptive control. and MPC with