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Would Abel have received the Abel Prize?

On Niels Henrik Abel and his prize

Foredrag på NTVA-møte i Trondheim




Helge Holden, Professor of Mathematics. Norwegian University of Science and

Technology, and Chair of the Abel Board

Niels Henrik Abel's lite

To try to answer this hypothetical question, we have to make a careful evaluation of Abel's

mathematics and how he was assessed by his contemporaries. Let us start with a brief

presentation of Niels Henrik Abel. He was bom in


the second oldest of 6 siblings. His

father, Søren Georg Abel, was a vicar in Gjerstad, where Niels Henrik grew up. Søren Georg

was a rationalist, who believed in education and the improvement of living conditions for the

poor. He was a member of the Norwegian


(Parliament). However, after getting

involved in political and religious controversies, he returned to Gjerstad a broken man and

died young in


Niels Henrik's mother seems to have cared little for her children, and

there is evidence !hat she became an alcoholic.

Niels Henrik was granted free admission to


(The Cathedral School) in

Christiania (now Oslo) in


There his luck changed for the better- his teacher, Bernt

Michael Holmboe. soon discovered Niels Henrik's exceptional talent. and Holmboe was able

to stimulate Niels Henrik's interest in mathematics by giving him books by the masters:

Newton, Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, etc. In


he entered the newly opened university in

Christiania (Oslo}. Soon


became clear to the few mathematicians in Norway that Niels

Henrik would have to travel abroad in order to develop further. Supported by the King, the


and the University, he started his joumey in


planning to visit Gottingen and

Paris, two of the world's leading centers of mathematics. Niels Henrik changed his plans and

went to Berlin instead of Gottingen, where he met the publisher, August Leopold Grelle, who

recognized Abel's potential. Grelle created

Journal fOr de reine und angewandte Mathematik,

and with a steady publication of Abel's works, the journal began to gain recognition. Today, it

is a premier journal referred to as

Crelle's Journal.

However, the main destination of his

journey was Paris. He found Itl e French difficult to interact with, and Niels Henrik worked

hard on what was to be his main oeuvre, the Paris treatise, which he handed in to the French

Academy in October


However, the sole copy was misplaced by the Academy's

secretary, and Abel waited in vain in Paris for a response for another half year. Most likely,

that was where he contracted the tuberculosis that would later end his life. He returned

disillusioned to Christiania, and never saw the Paris treatise again. His big journey was

considered a failure: he had not met the famous mathematician Gauss in Gottingen, he had

published in an unknown journal, he had lost his main work, and he had no strong letters of

praise from the elite in Paris.

Upon returning he was given a temporary appointment at the university, where he

commenced a frenetic mathematical activity, pu'::>lishing many papers in Cre//e's



health started


deteriorate, and on his deathbed he wrote a brief proof of the main result of

his Paris treatise. He died on 6 April


His friend and mentor Grelle had worked to

secure Abel a professorship in Berlin, and on




a letter arrived with an offer from

Berlin. Shortly thereafter, the Paris treaty was found, and Abel was posthumously awarded

the Academy's gold medal. Such is the sad stor1 of Niels Henrik Abel's life.

Abel's mathematics

Already at the tender age of


Niels Henrik had started to work on one of the biggest

unsolved problems of the day - that of salving the quintic equation with formulas involving

only root extraction. The solution of first-degree equations had been known since time

immemorial. The solution of the second-deQree equations was already well-known in