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strengthened regulations for land use. construction and geotechnical design in quick clay

areas (ref. /11/). For all new construction projects in areas with quick clay (known or

unknown). the guidelines give Clear instructioos for how to deal with the geotechnical issues.

The reduction is substantial for naturally triggered slides. However, at the same time there

seems to be an increase for slides triggered by human activity, indicating that dissemination

to involved parties of existing knowtedge abowt quick clay hazards - and existing legislation -

still is important.


/1/ Eide, O. (1955). NGI-publication no. 11. Skredet ved Bekkelaget i Oslo 7. oktober





(1954): Geotechnical properties of Norwegian marine clays. Geotechnique

1954, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 49-69.

/3/ Rosenqvist, I.Th. (1955): NGI-publication no. 9. lnvestigations in the clay-electrolyte–

water system.


Aas, G. 1979: NIF-kurs. Skredfare og arealplanlegging. Vurdering av skredfare og

sikringstiltak. Kapittel 12. Kvikkleireskred.

/5/ Torrance, J.K. (1974): A laboratory investigation of the effect of leaching on the

compressibility and shear strength of Norwegian marine clays. Geotechnique, 24, voL

3, pp. 155-173, also NGI-publ. 104.




Løken, T., Heiberg, S., Foslter.


(1969): A field study of factors

responsible for quick clay slides. Proc. lnt. Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Eng., 7, Mexico,

vol. 2, pp. 531-540. Also n NGI-publ. 85, pp. 17-26.


NGI (1981): The quick clay landslide at Rissa- 1978. Documentary movie.

/8/ Karlsrud, K., Aas G., Gregersen, O. (1984): Can we predict landslide hazard in soft

sensitive clays? Summary of Norwegian practice and experiences. Proc. 4mlnt. Symp.

On Landslides, Toronto, 1984, voL 1, pp. 107-130. Also inNGI-pubL no. 158, 1985.

/9/ Karlsrud, K. (2006): Overview of triggering factor for large quick ciay landslides 1950-



Lacasse, S. (2013): 8th Terzaghi oration. Protecting society from landslides - the role of

the geotechnical engineer. Proc. 18


ICSMGE, Paris 2013.

/1 1/ NVE (2011 ). Retningslinjer 2/2011. Flaum- og skredfare i arealplanar.


15. april 201 1. ISSN: 1501 - 981



Kalsnes, B.G., Gjelsvik, V., Jostad, H.P., Lacasse, S. and Nadim, F. (2013): Risk

assessment for quick clay slides - the Norwegian practice. 1•• lnt. Workshop Landslides

in Sensitive Clays, Quebec, Oct. 2013.

/13/ NGI (2002). Program for økt sikkerhet mot leirskred- Metode for kartlegging og

klassifisering av faresoner, kvikkleire. Rapport nr. 20001008-2, Rev. 3, 8. oktober 2008.

/14/ Gregersen, O. (1981): The quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway. Proc. lnt. Conf. on

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng., 10, Stockholm, 1981, vol. 3, pp. 421-426. Also in

NGI-publ. 135.

/15/ Grimstad G., Jostad H.P. and Andresen


(201 0). Capacity analysis with the non-local

strain approach as regularization technique for strain softening behavior, Proc. 9


HSTAM International Congress of Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 12-14 July 2010.