4. Elvevoll E.O., Eilertsen K-E., Brox J., Dragnes B.T., Falkenberg P., Olsen J.O. Lamglait
Kirkhus B., and Østerud B. (2008) "Seafood diets; Hypolipidemic and antiatherogenic
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200, 396-402
5. FAO/WHO (2011). Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Risks and
Benefits of Fish Consumption. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Rome; World Health Organization, Gene
http://www.fao.orgldocrep/O14/ba0136e/ba0136e00.pdfCentre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems
Foredrag på NTVA-møte i Trondheim 16. apri12013
Thor Inge Fossen, professor, NTNU
www.ntnu.edu/amosVision: To establish a world-leading research centre on autonomous marine operations and
systems: A lively scientific heart where fundamental knowledge is created through
multidisciplinary theoretical, numerical and experimental research within the knowledge fields
of hydrodynamics, structural mechanics, guidance, navigation and control. Cutting-edge
inter-disciplinary research will provide the needed bridge to make high levels of autonomy a
reality for ships and ocean structures, unmanned vehicles and marine operations, to meet
the challenges related to greener and safer maritime transport, monitoring and surveillance
of the coast and oceans, offshore renewable energy, and oil and gas exploration and
production in deeper and Arctic waters.
Norway has a long coastline along the Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean and the North Sea providing
an essential part of our wealth and well-being. Safety at sea, greener maritime transport,
marine monitoring, offshore renewable energy, sea food and other biological production, and
exploitation of hydrocarbons and minerals in deep water and Arctic regions are presently
research areas of great importance. Development and transfer of accumulated experience
and knowledge is also in Norway's interest and responsibility in a global perspective, given
aur international position as a nation with streng industry and traditions in maritime, oil & gas,
and fishery and aquaculture. Changes in operational conditions, as well as climate changes,
lead to more extreme weather conditions with severe waves, streng currents and wind, which
need to be adequately accounted for. The fundamental understanding and characterization
of sea loads and consequences of load eFects, and the identification of relevant design
options in a long-term statistics perspective, represent critical research topics and inputs to
the design of robust marine structures and cootrol systems.
A paramount shift has to take place in the development of the marine operations and
systems in the above-mentioned industries in order to enable such transitions. The core of
this cutting-edge scientific advance is automatic and autonomous systems, essential to allow
newchallenging processes such as:
• Remotely operated subsea petroleum processing plants in deep water and Arctic
supported by integrated technology platforrns consisting of advanced surface vessels,
autonomous underwater and unmanned aerial vehicles for installation, mapping,
inspection, repair, and environmental monitoring.
• Offshore floating wind turbine parks with advanced control and monitoring functions that
contribute to minimizing structuralloads, maximizing energy conversion, and stabilizing a
weak electric grid without human operator intervention.